Tuesday, December 22, 2009

When life tries to make feel anything less than beautiful...

Sometimes in life things can happen to make us feel lees than beautiful.  The people that we trust can say things that cut us to the soul.  We can get dissapointed by expectations that do not come to pass.  We can begin to think that we are the reason that we are unworthy of happiness, success, respect.  Unfortuately we can sometimes allow that opinions of others to taint our self-worth.  I would to remind everyone that when we have those days when we forget how beautiful that we are are ...JUST PRETEND...act like you would if you were on top of the world and everyone knew it.  Think "what would I do if I felt like a million bucks", "what would I say if I had all of the confidence in the world", "how would I act if I was truly 'at peace'"? Then do, the only person that will know your secret is you, and before you know it you will have forgotten that you ever down in the first place ...

My first post

I think beauty is all encompassing. It involves who you are, how you feel about you and the world around you, and how you work with what you have.